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5:41 PM - Tuesday, Jul. 25, 2006
A letter from Ofer
I received this in my e-mail today from a dear friend of mine named Ofer. He is from Israel. We met a long time ago and became instant friends. Once I found out that Israel was at war, I wrote him an e-mail asking him how he was. I wanted to share with you his response because it was poetic and it touched me in ways that I can't really explain. When he speaks English, it's very well spoken, but he has trouble writing it.. so I have cleaned it up as best I can.

He responded with this:


Now, I guess this one is going to be long :-)

Israel is in war.
There isn't any other way to put it.

Israel is in war because terrorists don't acknowledge Israel's right to exist.

It is hard because people in the north of the country sit in shelters: some of them are friends, some of them are family.

It is hard because you know and love places that were bombed.

It is hard because during the process of defending herself, Israel bombs parts of Lebanon where poor citizens live because those damn terrorist are hiding and fighting from their ground.

It's hard because innocent people are getting killed (on both sides).

It's hard because you realize that this war is a must; because you can't sit quiet while one side is attacking you.

It's hard because people hate you because you are Jewish and Israeli; and don't be mistaken, the same people hate you because you are an American and christian.

It's hard because I have a little baby which I brought into this world with lot's of love. And you know this isn't a safe world. And you worry about him.

It's hard because you know the other side isn't afraid of dying. In fact, it wishes to die - so you can't win against them.

It's hard because you can't win; you can only be the one that loses less.

It's hard because you know you'll never be the same because you understand that you are willing to kill yourself to protect those you love.

It's hard because you know that even if this will end soon (and it will in a week or two), it will never come to an end.

It's hard because you keep wishing and you keep believing that tomrrow will be a better day and a better world.

And with all of that said, I'm sure that in the end everything is going to be fine - but I dont know when it will come.


I love you, "deer" friend. You, Hadara, and Nadav always have a home here with me.



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